Woman, Sister, it is time to reclaim your wildness.

Do you feel the tension between who you were taught to be and who you really are?
This ends now.

It is time to become who the world truly needs you to be.

Our next cohort begins in the Fall.

The modern world has taken us away from who we really are.

There are expectations to uphold, right ways of being, norms and social pressures.

Remember your body.
Remember your spirit.
Remember your soul.

“Somewhere down the road we suddenly look for and can no longer find what belongs to us or to what we belong. That our sense of soul is mysteriously missing, hidden away. There will be a time when everyone realizes they have been away from their soul home for too long.”

This is your invitation to begin the year walking the path back home.

There is a wildness in women

The time has come to stop hiding it.
The time has come to shed what is no longer ours.
The time has come for us to reconnect to our wild woman.

Imagine a life where

You are speaking from your place of personal power

You are holding transformative space for others and yourself

You are healing yourself deeply

You are living your most aligned life

You are confident in your ability to lead your life like the wild woman that you are

You are a light in your community

Most women don't notice how much they've buried along the way.
The parts of self that they've allowed to die.

Do you feel like you've lost touch with an important part of living?
One day, the knowing becomes so strong that you can no longer ignore it.

Ignorance isn't bliss anymore.

You've wandered for too long.
This is a call for courage.
And a radical act of remembering.

It's time to gather, heal and reclaim what's true.
This is where we rediscover the place where the soul meets the world.

Who will you remember?

intimate and exclusive women's adventure

exploring the wild woman archetype,

reconnecting with true sisterhood

& reclaiming your innate female wisdom and intuition.

How to create Sacred Space and Ceremony

The Power of Cacao Medicine

Living with the Seasons, Cycles and Natural Rhythms  

True Space Holding and Connection

Cultivating Growthful Practices and Personal Ritual

Ancient Myths as Keys for the Psyche

The Deep Practice of Embodiment through Meditations

Nurturing your Intuition

The Magic that Happens when Women Gather

8 Weekly 2.5 hour-long women circles
WhatsApp Private Community Group
2 Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies
Discount for your cacao purchase
1:1 Connection with facilitators through messaging
Private recordings of the circles
Collective exploration of myths from Women Who Run with the Wolves

Optional:  In-person mini closing retreat in Oregon
(Additional costs apply - more details provided after signing up)

Julie-Roxane is a French born medicine woman facilitating Cacao and Kambo ceremonies and a student of amazonian shamanism. She is also a certified Holographic Sound Healing Practitioner.

Julie-Roxane has been on a journey to heal the feminine for 5 years and her exploration has led to powerful transformation within herself. Today, she holds women's spaces to explore the Wild Woman archetype, healing the Sacred Feminine and how this transforms our families, communities and societies.

Sound healing, ancestral medicines, ceremonies, rituals and a deep connection to the specialness of inhabiting a woman's body are some of the many ways that Julie-Roxane facilitates the shared journey of women gathering.

Kelly is the co-founder of Wild Within, a meeting place for fellow adventurers, leaders and seekers ready to embark on a journey back into self.

Kelly is a community facilitator, connector and curator of transformational experiences. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, yoga teacher, anatomy teacher, cacao ceremony facilitator and backpacking guide. She is also a certified Holographic Sound Healing Practitioner and Level 2 Certified Reiki practitioner.

She has spent the last 5 years merging her background in western medicine with a passionate desire for self understanding. She seeks to know and honor the natural rhythms of herself and this world.

She recognizes the wilderness of nature as medicine for the soul and that there also exists a wilderness within each of us begging to be explored.

"To say that being a part of this Women's Circle has been magical, transformative, and deeply deeply meaningful doesn’t even scratch the surface of the amount of gratitude and immense love I feel towards Julie-Roxane and the community she cultivated and invited me into. In this group I’ve found true acceptance, sisterhood and the space to share freely. I am as changed as I am changing, and knowing this community exists gives me the confidence to do the work and be a part of the collective that calls me. There is not enough thank you’s in the world. So, simply, I love you and I love this circle... and POWER TO THE BLOOD!!"

Courtney Warden - Dog Mom, Florist, Creative/Digital Media Director

"It is a powerful thing to witness someone following their dharma, and a powerful thing to be a part of it. Julie-Roxane, this is your calling. Being a part of a this magnificent experience has cracked me open to new ways of thinking, listening, and holding space. I felt like I was part of something sacred and lasting, and learned to witness and be witnessed. Thank you forever for continuing to ignite the fires within us."

Brenda Bingham - Photography Producer, Archivist, Yoga Teacher
"Julie Roxane. What a gift you are. What magic you are. The space you hold and create with others is not only powerful but transformative! Safe spaces allow us to come into the authenticity of who we truly are. Thank you for embracing me for all of me for it’s helped me in discovering a self love and acceptance deeper than I ever could have imagined."

Alexandra Marie Airey, BSW - Wellness Worker and Florist

Fall Enrollment is coming soon.



A sisterhood journey deepening your sense of

belonging to yourself, community and this earth.

“All the "not readies," all the "I need time," are understandable, but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a "completely ready," there is never a really "right time."

As with any descent to the unconscious, there comes a time when one simply hopes for the best, pinches one's nose, and jumps into the abyss.

If this were not so, we would not have needed to create the words heroine, hero, or courage.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés