An intimate container 

for 8 women

-- SOLD OUT --

exploring the wild woman archetype, reconnecting with sisterhood & reclaiming innate female wisdom and intuition.


Do you feel the tension between who you were taught to be and who you really are?
Can you feel the hum of your true nature deep inside your bones?
Are you afraid of what will happen if you truly become your Wild Woman?
Our wildness can not be tamed.
And it is time to honor it.

It is time to become who the world truly needs you to be.

We begin October 23rd.

The modern world has taken us away from who we really are.

There are expectations to uphold, right ways of being, norms and social pressures.

It's time to remember

Remember your body.
Remember your spirit.
Remember your soul.

remember the

There is a wildness in women.

And it is the key to heal ourselves & the collective.

Will you rise up to what the world is asking of you?

Imagine a life where

You are speaking from a place of personal power

You are honoring your truth

You are holding transformative space for others and yourself

You are healing yourself deeply

You are feeling aligned and clear

You are meeting life with fullness & presence

You are a light for all beings

We have seen this happen to ourselves.

We have seen it happen to our sisters.

The question is not

is it possible?

The question is

will you just say yes?

“Somewhere down the road we suddenly look for and can no longer find what belongs to us or to what we belong.
That our sense of soul is mysteriously missing, hidden away. There will be a time when everyone realizes they have been away from their soul home for too long.”
Do you feel like you've lost touch with an important part of living?
One day, the knowing becomes so strong that you can no longer ignore it.
Ignorance isn't bliss anymore.
You've wandered for too long.
This is a call for courage.
And a radical act of remembering.

It's time to gather, heal and reclaim what's true.
It's time to rise up to meet your destiny.
This is where we rediscover the place where the soul meets the world.
Who will you remember?

intimate and exclusive women's container

exploring the wild woman archetype,

reconnecting with true sisterhood

& reclaiming your innate female wisdom and intuition.

intimate and exclusive women's container

exploring the wild woman archetype,

reconnecting with true sisterhood

& reclaiming your innate female wisdom and intuition.

Together we will

Weave sacred space and learn the art of ceremony as we work with the heart-centered nurturing medicine of Grandmother Cacao

Connect with the ebb and flow of the seasons, cycles and rhythms of the Wild through the wisdom of our female bodies

Sharpen and nurture our intuition as we receive the medicine of personal stories, ancient myths & archetypes as keys for the female psyche

Breathe and gently anchor our way back to our bodies

Be witnessed in our human experience of joy, grief, sorrow, pain and ecstasy - unconditionally

Come alive and remember the celebration that is this Earth walk as we reclaim spiritual practices and personal rituals

Soften and open ourselves to receive the magic that happens when women gather with intention

This program includes

8 Weekly 3 hour-long women circles held on Sundays
A Private Online Discussion Space
Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies
1:1 Connection with facilitators through messaging
Private recordings of the circles
Collective exploration of myths from Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés

We Begin October 23.

8 women only.

- currently SOLD OUT -

we will meet on sundays

October 23
october 30
November 6
november 13
november 20
november 27
december 4
december 11

2 - 5pm pst // 5 - 8pm est

Meet your Facilitators

Kelly Ann margerum

Kelly is the co-founder of Wild Within, a meeting place for fellow adventurers, leaders and seekers ready to embark on a journey back into self.

Kelly is a community facilitator, connector and curator of transformational experiences. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, yoga teacher, somatic breathwork facilitator and backpacking guide. She is also a certified Holographic Sound Healing Practitioner and Level 2 Certified Reiki practitioner.

She recognizes the wilderness of nature as medicine for the soul and that there also exists a wilderness within each of us begging to be explored.

Julie-Roxane krikorian

Julie-Roxane is a French born medicine woman facilitating Cacao and Kambo ceremonies and a student of amazonian shamanism. She is also a certified Holographic Sound Healing Practitioner.

Julie-Roxane has been on a journey to heal the feminine for 7 years and her exploration has led to powerful transformation within herself. Today, she holds women's spaces to explore the Wild Woman archetype, healing the Sacred Feminine and how this transforms our families, communities and societies.

Sound healing, ancestral medicines, ceremonies, rituals and a deep connection to the specialness of inhabiting a woman's body are some of the many ways that Julie-Roxane facilitates the shared journey of women gathering.


"The Wild women group made me feel seen, heard and supported. I always knew I’d have a place in my week, to sit down, take a moment to check in with myself and connect to others who are doing the same. It’s life-changing. And you truly see others change their lives in front of you. So honored and inspired to witness others and myself in a safe space with this group every time. !!"

Kate K.

"This program did not disappoint. I was able to see and be seen by fellow women travelers on this crazy journey known as life. Kelly and Julie-Roxane created a container that allowed for rich discovery and powerful healing. I found my voice, dispensed a ton of shame and grew by leaps and bounds. My only regret, was that the 8 weeks went by so fast. I hope there will be many more Wild Women programs, as I plan to keep walking this path with both Kelly and Julie-Roxane and the community of women I know they will continue to foster."

Andrea L.
"Gathering with women is never time wasted, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to share space and sacred sisterhood through the wild woman within. I came for learning, following a curiosity about something wild within me, and I left with a newfound sense of connection, unearthed truths, awakened emotions, and lifelong community and friendship. And for that I am forever grateful."

Erica E.

A sisterhood journey deepening your sense of

belonging to yourself, community and our Earth.

A sisterhood journey deepening your sense of

belonging to yourself, community and Earth.

“All the "not readies," all the "I need time," are understandable, but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a "completely ready," there is never a really "right time."

As with any descent to the unconscious, there comes a time when one simply hopes for the best, pinches one's nose, and jumps into the abyss.

If this were not so, we would not have needed to create the words heroine, hero, or courage.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés

With love,

Kelly Ann & Julie-Roxane